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In Beta

AI-Assisted Talent Search & Outreach

Find and engage top candidates with generative AI that understands potential beyond keywords. Our Outbound Talent Search feature pulls in hundreds of millions of candidates from around the web and allows you to search with natural language.
Endorsed UI


Numbers That Matter

Drive real results for your business with our AI-powered talent search and outreach platform

More Precise Targeting

Our LLM-native technology delivers 10x more precise candidate matches

Faster Discovery

Cut sourcing time by 80% with AI-powered matching

Employee Retention

Higher quality matches lead to reduced turnover

Intelligent Search

Beyond Traditional Sourcing

Discover candidates based on true potential, not just keyword matches.

Semantic Understanding
AI that comprehends skills, experience, and human potential
Comprehensive Analysis
Evaluate candidates across multiple data sources for a complete picture
Proactive Discovery
Find candidates before they start actively looking
Top candidate found


Transform Your Sourcing Results

Achieve better outcomes with AI-powered candidate discovery

Faster Discovery
Accelerate sourcing time by up to 80% with AI-powered matching
Higher Quality
Improve candidate quality with deep understanding of requirements
Better Engagement
Increase response rates with personalized outreach at scale


Powered by Advanced GenAI

State-of-the-art AI technology that understands nuanced requirements

Unstructured Data Analysis
Extract insights from resumes, portfolios, and professional profiles
Multi-source Enrichment
Combine data from multiple sources for richer candidate profiles
Bias Reduction
Focus on skills and potential while reducing unconscious bias

Responsible AI

Bias-Audited, Skills-First Screening

Every evaluation is checked for fairness and backed by clear reasoning. Focus on capabilities and human potential.

Bias-Audited Screening
Every evaluation checked for fairness across protected classes
Skills-Based Evaluation
Focus on capabilities, experience, and skills
Transparent Reasoning
Clear explanations for every screening decision

Scale Your Talent Pipeline with AI

Transform how you discover and engage top candidates. Reserve your spot to be among the first to access AI-powered candidate search.